Monday, 23 February 2015

Home Heating Oil: Getting Your Heating System Prepared for Spring

It certainly feels as though it’s been a long winter; and that heating systems across the UK and Northern Ireland have been working to the max to keep people warm in their homes. However, finally spring is around the corner, and with it, we can anticipate some warmer weather. As a consequence, it’s likely that your home heating oil system will be getting less use.
Warmer weather – ignore the boiler?
Whilst the hotter weather may indicate a welcome chance to turn off the heating, throw open the windows and enjoy some much needed sunshine; it’s inadvisable to see it as an opportunity to completely neglect your boiler.
After all, it’s only a matter of time before the summer temperatures cool off, and we find ourselves urgently needing the heating on again!
To ensure that your home heating oil system is in tip-top shape and ready to be used when you next need it, here is a handy spring check-list.
Oil heating system check-list for spring
Just a few basic preparations could mean the difference between a healthy boiler in autumn, and a frustratingly faulty heating system.
In spring, it’s a good idea to:
  1. Get your system cleaned. Over the winter, it’s likely that your heating system will have accumulated a lot of soot and scale; which can make the system really inefficient. Of course, inefficiency is not what you want, as it raises the running cost, which means a larger dent in your wallet!
Additionally, soot contains sulphur. If this isn’t cleaned out in spring, the sulphur reacts with water left in the system to form an acid, which can corrode your system from the inside. As a result, it makes sense to get it professionally cleaned as soon as the warmer months arrive. Remember to ensure that the filters, coils and reflecting plates are also given a good clean, to maximise efficiency when you need to use it again.
  1. Make the most of low kerosene prices. Of course, heating oil prices are at an unprecedented low at the moment anyway; which makes it a good time to buy. However, regardless of fluctuating kerosene prices; it’s generally a good idea to purchase in the spring or summer anyway; as demand is less and prices are often  lower than winter months.
If you’re not sure what the current prices are, just ask your heating oil supplier.
  1. Invest in an annual service. It’s advisable to book your heating system in for a service in the spring (when you don’t need your heating as much), rather than wait for your system to go wrong in the winter months, when you desperately do need it! It’s likely that your heating oil suppliers will also service your system for you.
Get your heating system in optimum shape this season
To get your heating system primed and ready for the next winter, simply get in touch with Value Oils today. We’ll clean and service your heating system, and ensure that it won’t let you down when you next need it most.

For more information : heating oil suppliers,home heating oil, kerosene prices

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